My Father

Inside us, in the air, trees and seedsIn the colorful sound of naturebuzzing bees and rustling leavesIn the calm peace of a silent dayIn the smile and greeting of a passerbyIn our thoughts and dreamsIn our conversations and communicationsIn our joy and our most...

The Power of Unforgiveness

  I forgive him but I won’t forget what he did! Is another form of unforgiveness which means you have intentionally conditioned your thoughts, response and actions about the offender to live in your consciousness, taking up residence in your soul....

Godly Love

A prayer for finding and maintaining love. ABBA Father you are our creator, source, and our true love, thank you for your sacrifice, mercy and love.  We pray and decree that you are preparing us to receive our godly mates for marriage and ministry, we pray and decree...


Panic and Anxiety These Disorders are literal attacks on your mental, emotional and physical state and seem to come out of no where but the truth is the symptoms are faint and ever increasing, if left unchecked. Before every episode there are always warnings if you...


   Do you know your purpose in life, if so are you fulfilling it or prostrating? I was once told that the graveyards were the richest place on earth because so many people have passed on with ideas, vision and inventions that they never pursued. Did you know that...

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