A prayer for finding and maintaining love.

ABBA Father you are our creator, source, and our true love, thank you for your sacrifice, mercy and love.  We pray and decree that you are preparing us to receive our godly mates for marriage and ministry, we pray and decree that our union be void of sexual immortality. As we wait for a godly mate deliver us from being lonely and seeking casual sex, friends with benefits, and all desperate acts of satisfaction.  We decree that you alone know our hearts and motives, let us not awaken love before it’s time (Song Of Solomon 8v4), let us be equally yoked. Bless us to be in the fullness of you before entering into a union with our minds set for heavenly expectations and godly love.

We make a declaration to choose love as an action and not permit our emotions to control our decisions, to pray, to communicate, and to enter into our marriage/ministry being Christ minded embracing the purpose that you created us for. Lord we decree to put you first and together we consult with you, in agreement concerning small and big decisions concerning our marriage/ministry awaiting patiently for your answers. We decree to enjoy our marriage as friends and lovers to keep one another encouraged as we share one heart and one love, in life, in you.  We bind every attempt from the enemy to defile and destroy our union on earth as it is in heaven, Lord your words says what God has joined together let no man put asunder (Mark 10v9).

Holy Spirit teach us how to desire nothing but Godly love and counsel us concerning how to fall in love with our mate over and over again. Lord we come against marriages of convenience and opportunity, we curse those advances at the root and pray for the blinders to confuse those who seek us in such ways. Father we pray for our mates to diligently seek you, and for their every need to be met, we command no weapon form against them prosper. We pray and decree that we both have the fruits of the spirit, the full Armor of God on, wisdom and knowledge and that we are blessed with your glory resting upon us. We pray and decree that the passion for our union and ministry grow continually and that you are pleased with us and Lord let the blessings flow in the name of Jesus we pray Amen.

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