The definition of pure is one hundred percent free from modification in quality. 

Is it possible to get 100% authentic pure food, medicine, vitamins, and essential oils without additives? In most cases Certified is just a paid label to deceived consumers, what we are really buying is a lie and a false sense of security. 

Why, because the root of All evil is the love of money, greed!!!

I wonder if the businesses that are not non modified use the products that they sell to consumers or if they buy or produce pure food and safe products for their families. Do they  even care about the damaging effects that they are causing millions of people and to the earth. 

Did you know that all disease root cause is inflammation in our bodies mainly the stomach from the food and medication that we consume over the years, because of how the products are produced. The definition of disease is a toxic environment depleted of the essential minerals needed for good health. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulfur, cobalt, copper, fluoride, manganese and selenium.

This post is inspired by American Greed the television show and Kip Andersen director, producer and writer who creates investigative documentary’s exposing hazards and dangerous practices which impact us and our world. You can find his educational informational documentary’s on Netflix and on the web.

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