Do you know your purpose in life, if so are you fulfilling it or prostrating? I was once told that the graveyards were the richest place on earth because so many people have passed on with ideas, vision and inventions that they never pursued.
Did you know that your purpose in life should be something to better the world or your present environment? And that every person needs a vision to aspire to. God created everyone with a purpose no matter how big or small, every purpose is equally important because in God’s plan everyone’s part is connected. One God, one world, one people, we are all his creation, so you know have to wonder about your purpose in life.
How important is it; who does it affect; your family, friends, strangers or the next generation and to what degree, maybe you think you have all you need in life and are content.

Doesn’t matter because God created us to glorify him and yes he does give us the desires of our heart if we diligently seek him. So know that the ones who proclaim to be living life to the fullest or living their best life are always seeking adventure or excitement searching for that next high, are never truly satisfied because of the lack of intimacy with God. Consider this the condition of the world might be due to the fact that so many purposes in life are left unfulfilled. The word of God says that he laughs at mans plans and we’re all witness to that through our life experiences we know he has a sense of humor. One example is how man is always recreating himself instead of allowing Gods Presence to give him direction because he will set you up with territory, position and promotion.
Another thing you should know is that your job or career is not just a paycheck it is your ministry where you make a difference by being the best imitator of God just as Jesus did when he walked this earth.




Realizing your Purpose


  • Are you praying and asking God for purpose?
  • In what way are you always helping friends and family?
  • What bothers you about society that you wish could improve?
  • Do you have some knowledge or skills that you may want to share with others?
  • What can you do more effective and more efficiently than others?

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