Remember not so long ago when witches, demons, vampires, etc., were scary and thought to be evil but now have become acceptable and even likable characters in movies, television, game systems, and books. Why can man imagine every other reality except living an eternity with God, I want to see a show about living in Heaven and all that God promised.

I remember when tv went off air at midnight and you didn’t see or hear anything obscene, and now in 2022  our traditional morals and values have been corrupted to accept everything as normal. It seemed to have happened over the years a little at a time like a seduction. And boom we have allowed past abominations as the new standard to live with and even incorporate into our lives. Many of us have compromised our beliefs to conform to the world standards and many of us have embraced the worlds system. Still some among us have remained steadfast and unwilling to stand idly by waiting to see what’s next. My late pastor Beverly Goolsby co author of (Bible Promises For You) always said don’t wait to see how bad it can get, and I say, wise words of wisdom.

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