
  The definition of pure is one hundred percent free from modification in quality.  Is it possible to get 100% authentic pure food, medicine, vitamins, and essential oils without additives? In most cases Certified is just a paid label to deceived consumers, what...

Buyers Beware

Before you buy a vehicle do your research  Check with Car fax Research Warranty Judgements Research Call Backs Research Replacement Parts Cost Nowadays automobiles are costly to maintain because of monthly finance payments, monthly insurance payments, the cost of gas...


Diversity is necessary to bridge the gap between all humans regardless of color, status or location and logically there is only one race, the human race. However due to the consequences of beliefs and opinions about national origin among the human race unhealthy...

My Father

Inside us, in the air, trees and seedsIn the colorful sound of naturebuzzing bees and rustling leavesIn the calm peace of a silent dayIn the smile and greeting of a passerbyIn our thoughts and dreamsIn our conversations and communicationsIn our joy and our most...

The Power of Unforgiveness

  I forgive him but I won’t forget what he did! Is another form of unforgiveness which means you have intentionally conditioned your thoughts, response and actions about the offender to live in your consciousness, taking up residence in your soul....

Godly Love

A prayer for finding and maintaining love. ABBA Father you are our creator, source, and our true love, thank you for your sacrifice, mercy and love.  We pray and decree that you are preparing us to receive our godly mates for marriage and ministry, we pray and decree...

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